The Call for Proposals for the 2024 Annual Conference
*Note: Your proposal acceptance will be through email, so check your inbox and your spam/junk folder.
Proposals are now being accepted for the 47th Annual Conference of the Eastern Educational Research Association, to be held in Clearwater, FL February 8-9, 2024. The EERA conference is held each spring and brings together the leading scholars from the eastern United States. The refereed conference typically hosts over 300 scholars, meaning that the conference is small enough to network and connect with colleagues, but large enough to offer a wide range of ideas, research methods, and topics.
Researchers may submit for consideration original proposals that have not been published or presented at another professional meeting. Proposals will be submitted through the online submission portal on the EERA website, and if the proposal is accepted, the lead author must pay all conference fees and be present at the conference. Original proposed research presentations are to be based on completed work or work to be completed before the annual conference. The proposal submission abstract must be less than 1,500 words though, if available, you may also attach your completed paper separately. Submissions should provide sufficient detail for reviewers to judge the quality of the proposal. Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method studies are encouraged. Proposals for the upcoming 2024 meeting will be accepted beginning September 1st, until 11:59 p.m. (EST) on November 17, 2023.
The program will consist of papers and other formats for educational research presentations that have been accepted by the review committee. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two scholars or practitioners in the field of education. For more details and/or to submit a proposal visit our website:
Paper Presentation
Description: Research paper proposals are structured synopses or completed data-based studies that utilize any variety of quantitative or qualitative methodological approaches. In addition to research papers, theoretical papers, program evaluations, and literature reviews are acceptable. Papers not meeting these criteria should be submitted under another format. The proposed paper should be appropriate for submission to a refereed journal.
Format: Full paper presentations will include four papers in 80-minute time slots and each paper presentation is typically 15 minutes of presentation for each paper and at the end of all presentations 15 minutes of question/answer/comment/discussion.
Evaluation Criteria: Paper proposals will be evaluated according to: (a) the significance of the problem or issue to the field; (b) the originality of the work; (c) the adequacy of the theoretical/conceptual framework; (d) appropriateness of the mode of inquiry; (e) the rigor and accuracy of the analysis of the data; (f) clarity of the written exposition of ideas, analyses, and arguments; and (g) reasonableness of stated conclusions and implications.
Panel Discussion
Description: Panel discussions are thematic, integrated dialogues between session participants about a clearly identified theme or topic. This format allows a team of researchers or practitioners to present or review scholarly perspectives on issues. The format is not intended as an opportunity to present papers that have not gone through a review process. Rather, panel discussions should provide attendees with an opportunity to hear presenters engage in dialogue amongst themselves as well as with attendees about cutting-edge research, practice, theory building, or policy development.
Format: Panel discussions typically last between 30-60 minutes and include an introduction, a short presentation from each member of the panel, and discussion. As this format is purposefully more interactive than a paper presentation, projectors and screens will not be provided for panel presentations.
Evaluation Criteria: Panel discussion proposals will be evaluated on: (a) originality; (b) clarity of topic; (c) significance of topic and/or relevance to EERA members; (d) organization and coherence of individual presentations; (e) range of knowledge and points of view represented by presenters; and (f) opportunities for audience participation.
Poster Presentation
Description: A Poster Presentation is a graphic representation of completed, or partially completed, research, program evaluations, position papers, literature reviews, or innovative teaching strategies.
Format: Presenters will receive a 36” x 48” tri-fold board and clips, with no additional equipment or electrical access. The display is a 60-minute session during which attendees can engage with presenters to discuss their research. Plan for short presentations every 10 to 15 minutes.
Evaluation Criteria: Poster Presentations will be evaluated on: (a) the significance of the topic/issue/problem to the field; (b) clarity of objectives and intended outcomes of the session; (c) potential for stimulating scholarly discussion; (d) originality; and (e) methods planned to engage participants.
Roundtable Presentation
Description: Roundtable Presentations will provide an opportunity for researchers and participants to engage in scholarly dialogue. Researchers will not deliver a paper, but they will summarize their research in order to prompt discussion. The bulk of the presentation will consist of a discussion between the researchers and the other participants.
Format: 40 minutes will be provided for roundtables where there will be multiple tables with one person presenting at each, and participants will be free to explore various tables within the time limit. Presenters should engage in scholarly dialogue with participants and may provide handouts. This format is purposefully more interactive than a paper presentation, projectors and screens will not be provided for roundtable presentations.
Evaluation Criteria: Roundtable Presentations will be evaluated on: (a) the significance of the topic/issue/problem to the field; (b) clarity of objectives and intended outcomes of the session; (c) potential for stimulating scholarly discussion; (d) originality; and (e) methods planned to engage participants.
Birds of a Feather Session
Description: Birds of a Feather sessions are highly informal gatherings of people with a common interest in a particular topic. These sessions are loosely organized around an important/current issue and allow for more casual interactions between participants. Birds of a Feather is an opportunity to explore potential research, pedagogical, professional, and theoretical ideas with others.
Format: This session will last for 45 minutes and will be similar in format to a Round Table.
Evaluation Criteria: Proposals will be evaluated on their potential interest to conference attendees and will not require a formal paper.
Technology Projectors and screens are only available for Paper Presentations. In addition, cords to attach laptops to the projectors are in limited supply, so plan to bring the appropriate cord. This is especially true for Apple products.
If you have questions about submitting a proposal or would like to talk to someone about the conference, please contact Dr. William (Willy) Williams. He is the 2024 Conference Chair and can be reached at (540) 818-6698 or Please print these details so that you can identify and select the correct session format for your proposal submission.
Please Note: You may be required to register a new account in Cvent.
ALL PROPOSALS ARE DUE NO LATER THAN 11:59 p.m. (EST) November 17th, 2023.