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Journal of Research in Education

Volume 3, Number 1

Fall 1993


Jeffrey S. Kaiser, Editor




Invited Article:

Misery as a Turning Point for Academic Success

Jack Levin


Contributed Articles:

 The Effects of Peer Coaching as Follow-up to In-service Training on the Frequency of Teacher Initiated Higher Level Questioning

Mary Slade Landrum and Carolyn M. Callahan


Family Characteristics Congruent with School Success in Young Urban Children

Janice Elich Monroe and Stephen W. Tonelson


A Structural Equation of a Course Evaluation Instrument Based on Academic Motivation Theory

L. Carolyn Pearson, Lou M. Carey, and Robert F. Dedrick


Planned Change in Higher Education

Betty Millin and William T. Phelan


Verbal-Performance Discrepancy Scores on the WISC-R, the Lorge-Thorndike Intelligence Test, and Cognitive Abilities Test

John H. Rosenback and Mary Veitch


Future Teachers’ Attitudes toward Teaching Children with AIDS

Julius Gregg Adams, Yow-wu Bill Wu, and Brenda Haughy


Comparison of Two Approaches to Training Peer Facilitators

Jerry Trusty and Dorothy Black


State-by-State SAT Comparisons: Pillars of Salt Driving Educational Practice

Bob Algozzine, Fred Spooner, and Bob Audette


Locus of Control and Mathematically Gifted Girls: Effects of Early Intervention

M. Gail   Hickey


Principles’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Acceptance and Implementation Concerning Characteristics of the Social Studies Curriculum

John F. vonEschenbach and Cynthia Lumpkin






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