Journal of Research in Education
Fall 1999
An international Journal Published by the Eastern Educational Research Association
Contributed Articles:
The Crisis in Pre-Collegiate Urban Education: Selected Aspects
Kofi Lomotey
Early Lessons from the Annenberg Challenge
Barbara Cervone
Demographic Opportunities and School Achievement
Jesse L. M. Wilkins
“I said that on purpose”: Using Paranoid Validity to Examine the Researcher and Researcher Effects
Jenifer Jasinski Schneider
Democratizing Professional Development
Pat Russo, Barbara Beyerbach, and Suzanne Weber
Special Theme Section:
Ralph Mosher: An Introduction and Tribute
Norman A. Sprinthall
Character Education: The Mission of Every School
Thomas Lickona
Educating for Democracy: The Vision and Legacy of Ralph Mosher
F. Clark Power
Beginning Teacher Development: A Cognitive-Development Approach
Alan J. Reiman
Challenges in Evaluating Character Education Programs
Leslie Laud and Marvin W. Berkowitz
Tatyana Tsyrlina
Brief Research Reports:
Child Abuse and Neglect: The Effects of Knowledge on Reporting Behavior
Debra C. Cobia, Jamie S. Carney, and Elizabeth K. Ullery
Should Educational Researchers use Web-Based Surveys to Collect Sensitive Data?
Jay Tarby, Robert A. Dubick, and Isadore Newman
Gender, Ethnicity, Ability, and what Type of Item Response Mathematics Proficiency of Fifth-Graders
Dimitri M. Dimitrov
Factors Influencing Student Choice of Distance or Face-to-Face Courses
M.D. Roblyer and A.J. Guarino
Preservice Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Persons with HIV Disease
David M. Shannon
A Technique for Assessing Effective Instructional Sequences
Catharine C. Knight and Walter J. Kuleck